“A summer music performance in the park? That sounds great!” I told my friend when she called. I imagined spending the gorgeous summer season afternoon on a blanket in the yard with cool jazz music drifting over the summer season breeze. I place on my preferred aqua blue sundress and drove to my friend’s home.
When we got to the park, my heart shuddered. A rock concert?! In an amphitheatre?! With a giga-mega-enormous sound system! I’m not a big rock fan. AND I DON’T LIKE LOUD MUSIC! I was beyond frustrated at the painfully loud sounds pounding my head and chest. I wondered, “How can people be enjoying this? It’s not music, it’s simply sound!” Ear plugs were like infant aspirin for a migraine. I considered heading out to the car park WHERE I WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO HEAR WHATEVER SIMPLY FINE! I was a guest, and I didn’t desire to desert my buddy on her birthday.

5 Self-Care Tools saved my peace of mind, changed my scenario, and up-leveled the outcome for the day. Possibly they will up-level your day too.
- Pick. I observed my mental-emotional state swirling around the toilet bowl. I chose to alter my attitude and reconcile what I thought about an undesirable circumstance.
- Breathe. I noticed my body. I saw I had stopped breathing. Well, I didn’t completely stop breathing or I would not be here today. My shallow breathing stayed near my securely wound shoulders– which remained up by my ears. I wasn’t getting very much oxygen and couldn’t think directly. I took a deep belly breath. I discovered my tight facial and jaw muscles. I took another deep belly breath and relaxed my tongue, then unclenched my jaws. I saw my tight gut. I took another deep tummy breath and let it out gradually.
- Toggle. I discovered the cacophony of ideas my head mirroring the cacophony of sound outdoors my head. “This draws! I hate this! This isn’t music! This is abuse! If I have delicate ears, envision the animals in the neighborhood! They need to really be suffering! How can anybody enjoy this? I toggled my attention from my head to my heart. Then, I cycled between 1, 2, and 3 for a long time.
I am picking my state. I am aware of my feelings. I don’t like this situation and I select well-being anyway.
I understand my body tension and breathing. As I breathe into my belly, I feel more serene and calm.
I am toggling my awareness from my head to my heart. “PRISONERS OF WAR ARE TORTURED WITH LOUD MUSIC!” Toggle head to heart.
Select. Breathe. Toggle. - Appreciation. I tried to find something of value. “Interesting cloud developments. Take a look at that.” I saw the peachy, golden sunlight on the water. “I like sun assessed water.” I did not see anything on the stage of value. “I can’t believe she is really using that in public!” Toggle head to heart. “I like my sundress. It’s such a stunning colour.” I provided myself some gratitude. “This is difficult and I’m doing a great task browsing a tough scenario.” I felt a little better.
- Then I plugged in. Imagine that you can plug into your greater self, the greatest, the best part of yourself, like you plug an Ethernet cord into the Wi-Fi jack. Ego on the outside is suffering. A soul on the within linked to God the infinite always understands peace, love, joy, harmony, freedom, prosperity. I connected to the source of boundless well-being within and hung out there for a while.
Then I breathed infinite well-being through my soul, through ego-personality, through my physical body, surrounding myself like a bubble. I hung out in my bubble of well-being for a while. I did not feel as troubled by the cacophony of noise that still raged outdoors because I felt more tranquil within.
Unexpectedly, a blast of magnificent love poured through my heart and overran my bubble, expanding more love than I might consist of. I imagined divine love blessing all the animals who might be suffering at this time. I envisioned wellness pouring into all individuals in the audience whose hearts were open to get a true blessing of well-being.
I blessed the band with well-being. That made me feel better. I stopped seeming like a victim and stopped seeing the band as the criminals. I stepped beyond the victim-perpetrator matrix to feel myself in harmony with everything, the excellent, the bad, and the challenging.
The band lastly completed their set and walked off stage.
When the band went back to the stage for an encore, the lead singer motioned for everybody to quiet down and gently stated to the audience, “I welcome you to close your eyes. Link of this moment and feel grateful and grateful for being alive today!”
Wow! Was the singer responding to the blast of divine love that had poured through me to bless her? Perhaps, simply maybe, I did something great!
I welcome you, next time you are in a challenging circumstance, to build your resilience muscles and practice some complimentary self-care. These 5 tools will not cost you anything and they will contribute to your wellness.
Choose your attitude. How do you wish to react to the circumstance?
Notice your body and breath. Take numerous deep belly breaths and let them out gradually.
Toggle your awareness from head to heart to calm your thoughts.
Discover gratitude and thankfulness for something.
Plug into your natural state of well-being within.
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